Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations...teaching them to observe all that I commanded you. I Am with you always, even to the end of the age.
— Matthew 28.19-20


Corryton is committed to helping people say YES to God around the world. Corryton has consistently ranked in the top 200 out of 47,000 churches in giving to the International Mission Board and to the North American Mission Board. For the past eight years Corryton has provided a free retreat to over 120 International Mission Board missionaries each year at different locations around the world. This four-day, three-night retreat is designed to refresh and strengthen missionaries for the difficult work that they do, many of them in hostile regions. These retreats have been offered in Zimbabwe, Thailand, Brazil, Switzerland, Costa Rica, Croatia, Greece, and Hungary. This year’s retreat will take place in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, November 13-17. We will be serving missionaries from all over Africa.

Watch the 2018 IMB Missionary Retreat Report

wafloy mountain village

Corryton is committed to serving the greater body of Christ. Dr. Rocky Ramsey and his wife have hosted a retreat and minister to other people in local church ministry. Wafloy Mountain Village is a 75 acre retreat center owned and operated by Corryton. Wafloy is adjacent to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park outside of Gatlinburg, Tennessee. Wafloy can serve groups as large as 300 and several groups at the same time. An old log cabin there has been beautifully refurbished to serve international missionaries who are temporarily stateside.

get connected

If you are interested in going on mission to either Wafloy Mountain Village or the annual Missionary Retreat, first seek God's guidance in prayer. Once you have done that feel free to contact Pastor Grant Rodgers to find out more information. Call 865.688.3971 ext. 235

Connect with IMB: International Mission Board

Connect with Wafloy: Wafloy Mountain Village